Hi Melissa, |
I’ve said it before, but I really have been so very blessed. So many mothers have to work 40+ hrs a week. So many daughters don’t get to spend so much time with their family when their father is recovering from cancer. I have been so very lucky to have these extra moments and I owe this all to my husband. I knew when I started out on this adventure that it probably wouldn’t last. Such blessings don’t come without a price. I have been, for some time now, waiting for the other shoe to drop and a few weeks ago it did.
Without getting into the nitty-gritty, today I made the decision that my husband has probably been waiting six months for me to make. I told him to find us someplace nice to live in California. I hope and pray and take a leap of faith that we’re making the right decision…that things will be fine here at home while we go off and live our lives. I pray that things will be as they are now or better when we return in five years.
I’m over the tears now of looking at homes half the size of mine with gravel or concrete for back yards. I’ve even resigned myself to the fact that we may have to look at town homes or condos. That wouldn’t be so bad, a play park for the kid next to the swimming pool. I could live with that.
I have had one hell of a time creating beautiful memories these last six months. Drinking coffee with my friend Hiromi in San Francisco. Sipping on champagne and eating crepes for breakfast at my father-in-law’s in the Selkirks. Hiking with my mother up to the top of Sugar Loaf Mountain. Watching my father give my son his first tractor ride. Picking gladiolas with my family in the hot summer sun. Watching the children and the garden grow. I can’t wait to see what dreams will become memories. But for the love of God please let me have a back yard with grass!

"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do." ~Acts 9(5:6)
I will attend more weddings in the next three months than I have in my life. Let me tell you, this is causing me no small amount of anxiety! Mostly because I will likely see people I haven’t seen in a decade or more. You don’t understand, these are people who have been very important influences in my life! These are people with whom secrets were shared, souls were poured out, and eternal bonds of companionship were formed! There’s Miss Dances on Tables (she and I go waaaaaaay back), there’s Mrs. My Life is Perfect (who has her own line of exercise videos, three children – all natural births – and a PhD thank you very much), we can’t forget Mr. I’ll Always Love You (yeah, it was a bad break up, he cried and I yelled at him for crying), and last but not least Mr. You Lied (and I still haven’t forgotten how he was arrested for soliciting an undercover officer).
Firstly, if I could even find a table I felt was sturdy enough to support my, ahem, womanly curves, I’m pretty sure taking off my bra under my T-shirt and flinging it onto the moose head would be something akin to a bad horror movie. I can see it all too clearly…and in slow motion…myself after tee many martoonies flailing about with Miss Dances on Tables. We’re having a good time, my eye makeup is smudged from the tears of laughter from those “remember when” stories and I’m squinting at my husband in what is supposed to be a sexy bedroom eyes gaze, but it really just looks like I can’t read the happy hour menu. She talks me into going for broke, and in a moment of disastrous decision making, I take off my bra, which would be the kind of white support monstrosity you would expect VW to engineer instead of the barely there VS number one would expect to see. I fling it in a pathetic display of girlish playfulness toward the wall. It goes hurtling end over end toward the moose, people duck out of the way; they scream in terror as one cup completely suffocates the moose head, blinding him from the sight of me still seizuring away to the music, winking at my husband (who is hiding under a table), and completely oblivious to the horror that has ensued.
Mrs. My Life is Perfect then saunters up to me in her 5” stilettos with a patronizing smirk on her face, “Darling, it’s been so good to see you!” she tells me as she hands me her business card, “Call me in the morning, I have a business proposal for you.” I would smile, thinking how cool it was to see her again, and only after I began nursing the hangover the next day would I realize she was calling me fat.
Mr. I’ll Always Love You would join me out on the deck while I cooled off. He’d strike up a conversation that would end with “It was really good seeing you again.” Translation: I don’t know what I ever saw in you. Meanwhile I’m having another display of horrible decision making abilities and contemplating actually thanking Mr. You Lied to Me because, after all, I did start dating my incredible husband immediately after we broke up…but I can’t seem to find him to tell him because he’s sitting at the bar, avoiding the awkward introduction, and quietly thanking his lucky stars for that one crazy night in Tijuana!
Okay, okay, fine. I’m being overly dramatic. Honestly, I’m not that girl anymore (or rarely), so why would I expect them to be the same? I haven’t even over indulged in about a decade (well, in public anyway) so there’s zero chance of any of that coming to pass…But seriously, would it be too inappropriate to hire a stunt double with a PhD in Western Literature and is an aerobics instructor on the side to masquerade as me for the next three months? She can even drive the RX7!