Life these days is a constant state of negotiations. Zander is definitely pushing his boundaries and asserting his independence. I try so hard to be one of those mothers that can focus their child and teach them the letters and how to scribble their name, but the reality is he has no time to sit still for me.
He's always busy, always doing something, exploring the world around him. Picking wild blackberries with Grandpa. Catching lightning bugs with Grandma. Painting pictures, "counting" his money, chasing after the cats, and narrating every thing he does. When I do try to intervene and focus his activity it could be his favorite thing in the world and he wont want to do it because I'm the one that suggested it.
I find myself bribing him, pleading, ordering, shouting, and time-outing until I'm blue in the face. He's such a good boy, but every single thing is a battle. He runs around in a diaper half the day because when I try to get him into clothes he has suddenly sprouted 8 more arms and legs and has become a boneless lump of wiggle and squirm.
He has using the potty for #1 down but he's still not convinced about #2...he'll do it right AFTER he's sat on the potty!
Even more distressing, I have to bear wrestle him to the ground and then sit on him to change his diaper. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep 30lbs of wiggle and squirm's business end up in the air long enough to clean it off and swaddle his tidbits and whatnots in a clean diaper? Here's an example of perfect toddler logic.
Z: Onna go potty!M: You just went potty.
Z: Onna peep!
M: You just peeped.
Z: Onna peep more!
M: Do you have to poop?
Z: No! Onna peep!
M: No. You just went peep.
Z: Onna peep 2 more times, okay? Yep. 2 more times.
M: Do you mean you want to flush the toilet 2 more times?
Z: Noooo! Peep momma! Onna peep!!!
M: Let's go wash your hands.
Z: Onna peep en onna diaper!
M: Fine. Let's go get you a diaper.
Z: Onna wash hands?
M: Okay, I give in. Let's go wash your hands.
Z: Onna diaper first.
M: Fine. Here's a diaper, come here so I can put this on you.
Z: Noooooooo! (runs away squealing and naked into the guest room and shuts the door)