His normal mommy-centric behavior curbed with Daddy home meant I could do things that I wanted to do and not have to worry about how toddler friendly they were. We're talking anything I wanted! I felt like I'd just won the lotto! Golden opportunities lay before me with endless possibilities. So, when Chris took Z to the park for a little father/son time...I took a nap, went grocery shopping, and had a bubble bath. Oh, I also had a beer. I am such a rebel!
When Rob returned, he held out his arms and said he'd trade me. I looked at my little carameled apple sticky faced boy and thought you've got to be kidding! But he wasn't, he took Z, and let his little grabby paws tangle up his beard and hair and gave me a few quick lessons on where the brakes and gas were on the quad bike. I nearly cackled as I drove away, thinking I could be in Tiajuanna sipping on margaritas and no one would know where to look for me!
There was a bonfire. We touched off a 10 ft tall pile of brush that we had been collecting all spring and summer. We roasted brats and hot dogs and made s'mores. We crunched on apples and carrots and celery. We sipped on 7up and coke and beer and we told stories from 150 years ago about the lights that used to follow the horses through the timber. Spencer, a sage 7 yr old, announced that the lights were a gateway to the other side, and we all agreed that this was probably correct. Or maybe just swamp gas.
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