I was in the backyard pushing Zander on the swing while Chris was doing Chris things with a hatchet and trees. I start talking to Chris when I hear a very stern voice.
Z: Mumma! Sssh! You can't talk! Church is about to start!
Some time passes when I answer a question from Chris.
Z: Mumma!!! Be quiet! The guy gonna get up there and start talkin'! You don't talk when he talks!
Some more time passes and again, Chris and I attempt to talk.
Z: Mumma!!!!! Hush your mouth! Its time to sing now!
Zander begins to sing "This Little Light of Mine" and I join in.
Z: MUMMA!!!!!!! You repeat after me! This is a very important song! You be quiet and listen!!!
Done with the yardwork for now, Chris joins us at the swings.
Z: Today, I three years old. Tomorrow I will be Cath-uh-lick
Chris: You don't have nearly enough guilt to be Catholic
Z: Mom! Dad! Be QUIET! I have important things to say! I. AM. The Center. Of. The World.
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